mechanoik, Автора текстов 1 и 3 не назовут? Мне понравились работы. Жаль, что они были сняты с конкурса. Автор - бездарный идиот, а тексты представляли собой вольный пересказ цитат из хентайной игры Nocturnal Illusion, иными словами, те два текста были плагиатом.
читать дальше"Human emotions are like a labyrinth... that go on being reflected like mirrors for eternity."
"Reality is a momentary dream, but a dream is a reality for an eternity."
"The main thing that makes you a person is your soul... so if you lose your soul you are no longer human."
"Please remember, what you see is not everything. Truth is made up of many different things. There are as many truths as there are people. And please, remember that wherever there is a person, there is always a 'thought'. Whatever you see, and whatever happens. What happened in the past is what makes a person they are now. Some people are trapped in the past and some people are unstable because they lost thier past. Look at the past, face it, and come to grips with it... that's true, internal strength”.
"No one wants to hurt loved ones. Instead, we wish for their happiness, but somehow we often misunderstand and create sadness."
"Some things exist unseen. But because they can't be seen, they are difficult to notice."
"We all weave our own lives since the day we were born... But sometimes, if by the fickle fingers of fate, you get out of synch with your life, then this is the refuge for such people... It is a never-ending maze... People who are lost in the course of their lives come here. This mansion never rejects anyone. And some people find a new life here. Only those who find out how to get back in synch with their natural destiny every get to leave..."
Авторы, занявшие призовые места и выигравшие специальную категорию, могут заказать баннеры.
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Для текста №4
Для текста №2
Автор - бездарный идиот, а тексты представляли собой вольный пересказ цитат из хентайной игры Nocturnal Illusion, иными словами, те два текста были плагиатом.
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